Saturday, March 14, 2009

Keep Yourself Charged When You List

One thing that a lot of folks fall prey to when it comes time to list new items on eBay is, they lose steam.

That is, they're all ready to start listing a big pile of stuff - but they just can't get motivated to do it.

Do NOT let this happen to you. Listing lots of stuff every day is one of the best ways to assure successful selling on eBay. Here are a 3 things that get me moving when I'm not in the mood to list:

1) Change your state of mind by doing 10 push-ups or sit ups or whatever is going to get you out of your funk

2) Go consume massive quantities of sugar/caffeine - this isn't the healthiest option...but it works in a pinch. The only down side to this one of course is that once you come down from the sugar/caffeine high - you're worse off than you were. But if you can list fast - a couple of diet cokes ought to let you get a good 20 or 30 items up before you fade.

3) Listen to something awesome. This is probably the best option. Once you get used to it, listing doesn't take a lot of concentration - so listen to something that feeds your brain. Two really good things to listen to is music at and the talks at

...or, do whatever works best for you. The important thing is that when you're supposed to list and you're not in the mood to list - GET in the mood to list.

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