Tuesday, March 10, 2009

How to become an eBay expert - the answer is HERE!

One definition of the word "expert" that I've heard (maybe you've heard this one too) is this: you become an expert in something after you've spent 10,000 hours doing it.

So let me ask you this: have you spent 10,000 hours on eBay? Perhaps the more important question is: who HAS spent 10,000 hours on eBay?

I've been on eBay for 10 years. So lets say, on average, I've spent 1 hour a day on eBay - that includes vacations, time at work, time outside, time at the gym - all the other stuff I do.

So figure at most, I've spent 10 years x 365 days x 1 hour on eBay - 3,650 hours on eBay. That means I'm only like a 1/3 expert on eBay!

My point is - there are very few real eBay experts out there - so if you are feeling frustrated about making eBay work, don't. There are very few people out there who know it all, so you shouldn't beat yourself when something on eBay doesn't work.

The important thing is - don't get discouraged - keep trying new things. Maybe before the time you're old and gray you'll have it all figured out.

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