Friday, April 17, 2009

Tell a Story on eBay

When you list something on eBay, you can talk about the features and benefits of whatever you are selling - that's fine.

But if you REALLY want to knock the socks of your customers, tell a story.

People remember stories. Stories are entertaining. Stories can give huge meaning to the most mundane items.

I recently purchased a Moleskine notebook. I'd never heard of Moleskine - frankly, I wondered if the cover was made from mole skin - and it kind of freaked me out.

But check this out...this is the story of the Moleskine notebook - they put a little pamphlet in each one so you can find out about what makes this notebook special:

"Moleskine is the legendary notebook used by European artists and thinkers for the past two centuries. from Van Gogh to Picasso, from Ernest Hemingway to Bruce Chatwin. This trusty, pocket-size travel companion held sketches, notes, stories and ideas before they were turned into famous images or pages of beloved books...In 1986, the last manufacturer of Moleskine closed it shutters 1998, a small Milanese publisher brought Moleskine back again...the the adventure of Moleskine continues and its still-blank pages will tell the rest."

WOW! I can write in the same kind of notebook that Hemingway used? WOW! WOW! WOW!

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